The first 95 percent was easy
I’m proud to report that after a year of work I’m finally finished my latest script. I know 12 months is too long to spend on one script, but no one is paying me. And I ran into problems along the way.
I’ve been working hard to get my writing to the level where I can complete a 120 screenplay in 3 to 4 months. Unfortunately, I do get distracted easily. During the past year I have moved twice and gone traveling dozens of times. Anything to avoid finishing those last ten pages.
The truth is, it took me six months to finish the last 5% of this draft. I took off so many times that I struggled to bring my writing back up to the level it was in the early stages. I make a point not to start something new until I’ve finished my current script. The best way to benefit from the writing process is to actually complete the process. I was so adamant about not shelving this script that I got stuck on the last ten pages for six months.
To wrap things up I ended up dropping two scenes at the last minute. I had so carefully plotted out my story that I really believed every scene was necessary. By this point I had been over every page so many times that I forgot my audience would be reading it for the first time. If I’m the only one who misses the cut scenes they probably didn’t belong in the first place.
It is a great feeling for a writer to have written something. I’m glad I stuck it out and finished the entire process. It will make me a better writer on my next project.
What’s next? Tomorrow I begin the next script in the pipeline.